Office Hours:
Mon - Fri
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Summer Hours:
Mon - Thu
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
8:30 am - 12 pm
Contact the Bursar
The Bursar's Office acts as a clearinghouse for various charges and credits that are placed on a student's account by several different university departments. We manage the billing and collection of student accounts and provide customer service to students and their families. The Bursar's Office is responsible for the administration and collection of the Federal Perkins Loan Program and departmental deposits.
Brenda Tougas
Program Coordinator, Physician Assistant Program
Office Location: Physician Assistance Learning Center
(401) 232-6256
Jennifer Rosa
Payroll & Human Resources Coordinator
Office Location: Human Resources
(401) 232-6365
Dina McAuliffe-Silva
Faculty Service Coordinator
Office Location: Faculty Suite A
(401) 232-6464
Payment Address
Bryant University, Bursar's Office
1150 Douglas Pike
Smithfield, RI 02917
Tuition and Fees
For a complete listing of tuition, fees, and miscellaneous charges - please refer to the following documents.
Tuition Fees Misc Charges 2025-2026 Tuition Fees Misc Charges 2024-2025 Billing Information for New Students/FamiliesWe offer a variety of payment options and plans, which can be found in the following documents.
Payment Options Payment Plans - Undergrad Payment Plans - GradBursar QR Code Flyer
Please refer to the following document for a complete listing of instructions to include: Making an Online Payment, Adding an Authorized User, Setting Up Direct Deposit, Requesting a Refund, Transferring Credit to Bulldog Bucks, Changing Your Meal Plan, Making an Online Housing Deposit, Assessing Your 1098T, Ordering Your Books From the Bookstore, and Waiving Bryant Health Insurance.
Bursar QR Code FlyerStudy Abroad Costs & Fees
Study Abroad participants are charged the same rates that a traditional Bryant University student would be assessed if they were studying on campus unless the total charge at the host institution abroad exceeds the comparable charges at Bryant University, at which time, they will also be responsible for covering the cost difference between their program and Bryant’s costs.
In mid July, students are billed by Bryant University directly and are expected to make the payment to Bryant on the traditional billing due dates (August 9th for the fall semester and January 9th for the spring semester.).
Details on these costs are outlined in the following document.
Study Abroad Costs and FeesAll additional information about study abroad programs can be found here.
Electronic Billing (E-Bill)
The Bursar’s Office at Bryant University is responsible for the billing and collection of the student tuition account.
At Bryant University, the student does not receive paper invoices through the mail. Instead, when a bill has been posted to the online Student Account Center, the student will receive an email at their Bryant University email address notifying them that their Electronic Bill (E-Bill/eStatement) has been posted and is ready for viewing online at the Student Account Center.
It is important to assign a parent/guardian and/or any third-party who is responsible for paying the tuition bill, as an authorized user on the Student Account Center. This can be accomplished by simply selecting the Authorized Users tab and adding the authorized user’s e-mail address. An authorized user will be able to: receive billing emails sent by our office, have access to the online account and billing statement, be able to make a payment online with a credit card (a 3% Service Fee will be assessed), Electronic Check (with no additional fees) and much more. There is no limit on how many authorized users that a student can assign to their account.
If the individual responsible for paying the account does not have an email address or does not have access to a computer, the student is able to print the online billing statement and forward a paper copy to them. Our office will continue to accept payments through the mail. Our payment mailing address is Bursar’s Office, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917-1284. Please include the nine-digit student number on the check.
How to add an Authorized User to a Student Account
Student Account Center (authorized user)
Student Account Center (student)
Bryant University offers a variety of insurance options to protect our students and their personal property.
Health Insurance
Bryant University provides access to a health insurance plan through University Health Plans (UHP). International Students are automatically enrolled in the plan and are given the opportunity to waive through UHP. UHP will review the student’s policy to determine sufficient coverage.
The health insurance plan is also available to all full-time students who wish to purchase the University-sponsored plan through University Health Plans. The cost for the 2025-2026 academic year is $1,938 and will be added to the student's Bryant University account. The policy is in effect from August 15 through August 14, yearly.
Each year, students must log onto University Health Plans to complete and submit an online enrollment or waiver form. They may also download a brochure describing student insurance coverage, look for participating doctors and hospitals, review frequently asked questions, and email questions to University Health Plans. More information on this insurance can be obtained through the Health Services Office.
Tuition Insurance
For a small fraction of the overall tuition costs, GradGuard Tuition Insurance can protect your investment. Their Tuition Insurance provides reimbursement when a student is unable to complete an academic term due to an unforeseen, serious injury or illness, mental health condition or chronic illness.
Personal Property Insurance
Students, resident directors, and assistants may purchase inexpensive personal property insurance for their belongings while on campus directly through National Student Services, Inc.
Insurance for University-owned Property
The University carries a full portfolio of insurance coverage to protect itself from loss. Bryant University’s property insurance policy covers loss including theft and damage of all real and personal property owned by the University or for which it is legally liable, including improvements and betterments to leased or rented property, any newly acquired locations, or additions to existing locations. The University does not provide coverage for real or personal property that it does not own.
Federal Perkins Loan
The Bursar's Office manages the Federal Perkins Loans once a student has left Bryant University or is enrolled less than half-time. Once a Federal Perkins Loan borrower ceases to be enrolled at least half-time, the Financial Aid Office will contact the student in order to set up an on-line exit interview. The exit interview is a federal requirement and its purpose it to review amounts owed to the university, to review the rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower and to sign a repayment schedule. A Federal Perkins loan is entitled to a nine month grace period before repayment begins. During the nine month grace period, a student borrower will be notified when the grace period will end and when repayment will begin. Repayment of the loan may extend over a 10-year period.
If you are currently a Federal Perkins Loan borrower and would like to apply for a deferment, forbearance, cancellation, make a payment online or check the status of your account online, please visit UAService. Follow the Student/Borrower link. The website will provide you will the regulations governing your loan and allow you to download any forms that you may require to defer or postpone your payments.
Form 1098-T
The Form 1098-T is used to assist students and families in determining if you are eligible for an Education Tax Credit or a Tuition and Fees Deduction. Bryant University is required to produce the Form 1098-T by IRS regulations each year on or before January 31. The information contained in the form will help you determine if you may claim one of the two tax credits, the American Opportunity Credit or the Lifetime Learning Credit, or a Tuition and Fees Deduction.
Depending on your income you may be eligible for a federal education tax credit. You can find detailed information about claiming education tax credits in IRS Publication 970. The dollar amounts reported on your Form 1098-T may assist you in completing IRS Form 8863 – the form used for calculating the education tax credits that a taxpayer may claim as part of your tax return.
Form 1098T FAQDepartmental Deposits
Departments receive cash or checks for a variety of different transactions and audit guidelines require proper internal control when handling cash receipts. Departments have a variety of responsibilities when it comes to handling these deposits. Additional information on how to handle departmental deposits can be found in the following document.
Departmental DepositsRequesting a Student Refund
A student's account may have a credit balance as a result of an overpayment or a financial aid disbursement.
Refund checks due to students for overpayment will be issued upon request, after at least 30 days following the date a personal check has been deposited to a student's account or a financial aid disbursement has taken place.
Graduate, Non-traditional Undergraduate and Physician Assistant students are entitled to a refund of Title IV overpayments within 14 days of those Title IV payments being credited to their account.
An Undergraduate Parent PLUS Loan overpayment can also be refunded to the parent within 14 days of the Parent PLUS Loan being disbursed to the student's account. The university is not allowed to refund a student directly for excess loan funds unless the Bursar's Office has written authorization from the parent borrower. If a parent would like to grant permission for a refund to be issued to the student, their written request should be e-mailed to refunds@bryant.edu.
In order for a student to receive a refund, a Refund Request Form must be completed.
- Go to Banner
- Log in using your My Bryant Portal login credentials (if required)
- Select Student Services & Financial Aid
- Select Refund Request Form
- Complete form and click Submit Request (DO NOT complete an additional Refund Request Form as it may delay the process)
University Financial Policies
Please refer to the following document for information on billing due dates, refund policies, and more for all university academic programs.
University Financial Policies